Bio-Well Scans
Bio-Well is a revolutionary, non-intrusive, way to measure the human energy field. The Bio-Well was developed by an international team led by Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, and uses the powerful technology know as Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) or Electro-Photonic Imaging to quickly conduct a human energy scan.
Bio-Well does not measure the anatomical structure of the body, but instead records the energetic condition of specific organs and systems at that time. Bio-Well is not a medical instrument and is not designed for medical diagnostics; it measures the energy and stress of a person. In case of health concerns, please, consult your doctor.
Energy Field Example Two: More energy than example one, but still with imbalances.
Energy Field Example One: A significantly imbalanced and depleted Energy Field.
Chakra Screen Example Two: More energy flow and balance.
Chakra Screen Example One: Low and imbalanced energy.